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The Education of Harry

May 16, 2013

H is going to learn some new words.  These are:

Emancipation and Equality

and he’s not going to be allowed any more telly until he can explain what they are, why they are important and how they apply to our family unit.

The requirement for his immediate education became apparent a couple of days ago when A was helping H in the toilet.  Not to go into too many details, but suffice to say that H’s aim could be improved.

“Don’t worry, Daddy”, H whispered, conspiratorially.  “Mummy will clean it up.”

Some things clearly need to change round here…

From → Children

  1. Ewa and I have laughed about this. I am of the “boys have bad aims” school. Ewa is of the “our toilets must not smell like an NCP car park stairwell.”

    You can guess who wins….

    Nick and Ewa

    P.s. Nice blog. It is like reading Radio 4.


  2. I hope and pray it is Ewa. If it isn’t Ewa, it should be. She has my sympathy.
    Radio 4, eh? There is no finer compliment.


    • Nicholas Coddington permalink

      Ewa always wins. (The words of Nick Berry comfort me at such times.)


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  1. The Education Of Harry (Part 2) | Carrot Crush in the Hindu Kush

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